You can easily find the quote above on Sunkrisps’ office, located at the heart of Bogor. Sandra Alfina, the co-founder of Sunkrisps, stated that the saying is practically her life motto and what kept her motivated in growing her business. Sunkrisps, formerly known as Hello Sunshine, produce healthy and tasty snacks that are processed from vegetables.
Sandra admitted that her entrepreneurial journey feels more like a spiritual journey. Before starting her business, she took time to contemplate on her life’s purpose. “I took time to think hard about what I wanted to do with my life. I realized I wanted to give a positive impact as I live. The only question is – what kind of impact, and how?” she said.
To answer the question, she looked back to her own experience. She used to work full-time in an oil & gas company. As she often buried in works, she rarely had time to take care of herself – which led to an unhealthy diet and sleep deprived most of the time. This work condition eventually affects her physical fitness and well-being. After two years, she decided to resign from her job to fully recover her health condition.
As Sandra resigned and change her lifestyle for better, she started exploring ways to live a more healthy and balanced life. She tried yoga, clean-eating, being a vegan, learned to cook, and eventually had her own organic home farm. In 4 months, she experienced a lot of benefit from changing to a healthy diet. She felt refreshed, energetic, and less prone to sickness. Had a first-hand experience on how a healthy diet greatly improved her physical fitness, she wanted more people to be able to experience the same benefits.

This passion to help more people to have a healthier diet easier drove Sandra to start her first business, Hello Sunshine. Ever since she first started the business, Sandra had already envisioned the long-term plan on scaling up her business. She started with various healthy snacks that she produced by herself. “I didn’t have any business knowledge back then. I just feel like I had to start”, she said. Back then, neither Sandra nor her husband, Ricky, had an educational background or experience in the business. Knowing this, Sandra actively seeks learning and networking opportunities with other organic food entrepreneurs.
USD 25,000 Investment from Indonesia Impact Accelerator Program
Hello Sunshine was selected as one of 12 startups to participate on Indonesia Impact Accelerator Program (IIAP): Batch 2. The program was spearheaded by Patamar Capital with Kinara Indonesia, and sponsored by Investing in Women – who wanted to support and gives opportunities for woman entrepreneurs to scale up their businesses. The program offers USD 25,0000 investment for 4 peer-selected business that considered ready to be invested. Both Sandra and Ricky didn’t expect to be selected as one of the four investees. “At the beginning of the program, we were very awed of other participants. We’re grateful enough that we had a chance to learn a lot in the program,” said Sandra.
At IIAP, Sandra & Ricky learned a lot about building the foundation of the business and how to measure the social impacts that they’re trying to achieve. During the program, Hello Sunshine grew and escalated faster than ever before. Sandra & Ricky did a great job in applying what they learned during the program and building on mentors’ & other participants’ feedbacks. Near the end of the program, Hello Sunshine successfully launched a new product. “At IIAP, we learned that launching a new product is actually a research process. First, we need to assess the market. Then, we validate the MVP, reassess again, and eventually launch the product after several processes,” Sandra reminisce. Ricky added that Hello Sunshine’s revenue increased at least 8 fold after IIAP.
Ricky & Sandra at Indonesia Impact Accelerator Program’s Awarding Dinner Sunkrisps’ Products
After receiving the USD 25,000, Hello Sunshine was able to increase their production capacity to meet the increasing demand from their customer. Sandra and Ricky are motivated to scale up their business and create greater social impacts from their business. As Hello Sunshine grew, Sandra and Ricky decided to rebrand and change their name to Sunkrisps. Sandra felt that Hello Sunshine was her personal vision alone, while Sunkrisps symbolize the growth of Hello Sunshine and both Sandra & Ricky’s spirit. With their tagline, When Veggie Becomes Tasty, Sandra & Ricky strengthened their business’ position that they made eating veggies easier and of course – tastier than ever.
Being a Woman Entrepreneur
“Turns out a woman who runs her own business had its own advantages – either in investor’s eyes or among our friends,” Sandra said. By far, Sandra felt grateful because she’s often received more benefits as a woman entrepreneur. She added that she felt really grateful because she sees that more women are inspired by her work, “I’m happy that I can make an impact for other women, inspire them to find and create their purpose.”
For her, the biggest challenge as woman entrepreneur was when she didn’t feel supported by her spouse. During the first 2 years of Hello Sunshine, Ricky wasn’t involved in the day-to-day business as he also had a full-time job at an oil & gas company. Aside from needing a strategic partner to discuss, Sandra felt that psychological support from her spouse is very important. “Back when I ran Hello Sunshine alone, we used to argue a lot. But now, since he also fully committed to Sunkrisps, he can see by himself how I worked hard to grow this business. I think it’s now easier for him to understand what I was going through and how I needed support back then.”
Even without Ricky as a strategic business partner back then, Sandra didn’t give up – she continued to consistently and persistently run the business. Her efforts and vision finally convinced Ricky to joined her full time as a co-founder. Ricky admitted that he wanted to join full time after realizing that Sandra ran the business alone and managed everything by herself. To fully able to grow their business, Sandra and Ricky realized they need to dedicate their whole effort and time.
Sandra also stated that working together affects their dynamic as a spouse. She feels that the division of labor on their home is now also easier – as they both already used to the division of labor in Sunkrisps. Since they both know each other’s workload, they can empathize and support each other better.

Since they managed to overcome the challenge, now Sandra and Ricky can focus on realizing their dream to make Sunkrisps a world-class healthy food company. Like the saying on Sunkrisps’ office, if you can dream it – you can do it.