On 12th – 15th August 2019, Kinara collaborated with Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal/BKPM) and Sustainable District Association (Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari/LTKL) to conduct Masterclass Promosi Investasi Daerah. Masterclass Promosi Investasi Daerah (Masterclass of Promotion for Regional Investment) is a capacity improvement program to support public officials in provincial & district level to create their own regional investment portfolio.
The first class was held in March 2019. At that time, public official representatives from each One-Stop Service Center (Dinas Penanaman Modal Pusat Terpadu Satu Pintu/DMPTSP) from 29 provinces & districts from all over Indonesia gathered and learned about foreign investor profile from Indonesia Investment Promotion Center (IIPC) in UEA, UK, USA, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, and Japan.
The second workshop was in August 2019 at Shangri-la Hotel, Surabaya, East Java. There were 47 participants who are public official representatives from 13 provinces/districts. The participants were introduced to Design Thinking Framework to help them assess their region’s problem in investment sector. After the session, participants are expected to design innovative solutions to the problem in order to achieve a conducive investment ecosystem in their region. The participants were also given modules that helped them empathize with business owners and investors as their customers through sessions like introduction to business and investments, and also how to develop a solid business portfolio and deliver them convincingly in front of potential investors. At the end of the program, a business pitching simulation was conducted and the top 5 participants were selected to receive promotion privilege & benefits from IIPC-BKPM. The top 5 participants were Central Java Province, Bone Bolango District, North Sumatra Province, Cilacap District, and Riau Province.
In between the modules, there was also plenary sessions from Indra Darmawan, Director of BKPM’s Regional Promotion. He talked about learning from IIPC and promotional techniques that can be used to attract investors. Another session was from Fajar Anugerah, Regional Partnership Manager of G2G Know How New Zealand Trade & Enterprise who shared about how New Zealand transforms their public service to be more effective and transparent through digital government, which then enables New Zealand to achieve the top rank in Ease of Doing Business Index. Another plenary session was delivered by Aloysius Suratin, Senior Program Manager for West Papua from IDH Sustainable Trade. He shared IDH’s journey on how IDH successfully facilitated multi-stakeholder initiative which enables Papua & West Papua cocoa to be processed & supplied to international chocolate brands.
Kinara Indonesia was happy to take part in this program as this initiative can potentially boost regional investment and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth in the long run.
Read more about this initiative:
BKPM Genjot Promosi Investasi Daerah
Masterclass: Resep Startup untuk Daerah Kabupaten Lestari https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/masterclass-resep-start-up-untuk-investasi-daerah-kabupaten-lestari/
Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM)
BKPM or Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board is a Non-Ministerial Government Agency, which is in charge of implementing policy and service coordination in investment in accordance with the provisions of the regulations. As the primary interface between business and government, BKPM is mandated to boost domestic and foreign direct investment through creating a conducive investment climate.
Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL)
LTKL is a collaboration forum established and managed by the district governments to better implement sustainable development. LTKL now has 11 district members in 8 Indonesian provinces and operates alongside the Association of Indonesian District Governments (APKASI). Through LTKL, district members are supported to design and implement a development scenario which balances economic, social, and environmental aspects through multi-stakeholder collaboration within each district and among the district members.
Dinas Penanaman Modal Pusat Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP)
DPMPTSP or The Investment Board One Stop-Service. While the one-stop service of BKPM holds the service and coordinate the investment registration on the centre, the DPMPTSP holds the investment registration service in each region (city/Regency) of Indonesia.